TT-400 Vertical CartonerHigh Speed – High Efficiency

The TT-400 is a continuous motion vertical carton filling machine that can reach speeds of up to 750 CPM. It is available with MemoryTrack for computer scale interface or with Patented UltraTrack high-speed volumetric cup filler that provides no-carton/no-product, no-product/no-carton functionality.

Principales caractéristiques

  • Empreinte compacte
  • Quick & Easy Changeovers
  • Versatile Design
  • Servo Control
  • Stainless Steel Frame
Carton filling is accomplished by utilizing patented volumetric cup fillers, computer scale, or auger interface. The TT-400 is available with a high-speed laser printer, integrated metal detector, check weigher, and open flap detection and rejection system.


Candy Pouches Chewing Gum Free-Flowing Candy Wrapped Candy


Candy Packing


Candy  ●  Gum  ●  Pouches  ●  Stick-Pouches  ●  Free-Flowing Products

TT-400 Product Applications


Type Top Load Cartoner
MODE Continuous motion
CARTON POCKET CENTER 4,6,8,10,12, or 16 inches
VITESSE Variable to 750 CPM, depending and application
CARTON FEED 48+” powered magazine with rotary carton erector
FERMETURE DE CARTON Straight or reverse tuck, hot or cold glue, tooling for special carton styles
CARTON FILLING Patented volumetric cup fillers; computer scale or auger interface
CADRE Welded tubular stainless steel; lexan cover panels with stainless steel frames and safety interlocks
CONDUIRE Servo driven with line shaft
CONTRÔLES Allen Bradley PLC, components, alphanumeric self-diagnostic
AJUSTEMENTS Vis mères avec références graduées calibrées
DIMENSIONS Request specific model floor plan
POWER REQUIREMENTS Câblé pour répondre aux besoins électriques de vos usines
AIR REQUIREMENTS Approx. 6,5 CFM 60 psi
TOOLING Available for tuck, glue and special carton styles